

Bulk SMS Service FAQs

What are SMS promotions?

Contacts can choose to get marketing or informational messages. Messages won't be sent to DND numbers unless you send from a DLT permitted header. A promotional account is set up for you by default. According to TRAI regulations, promotional SMS cannot be sent to phone numbers listed in the National Do-Not-Disturb (NDND) registry. In order to update clients about the most recent offers, discounts, and other promotional opportunities, promotional SMS is used.

When should you send SMS advertisements?

Promotional messages are only sent between the hours of 9 AM and 9 PM.

What is a good example of sending promotional SMS?

When sending out promotional SMS, the operator creates the first Sender ID. Numbered digits make up each ID, which is unique (#509700634700).

Why Bulk SMS Factory?

Bulk SMS Factory makes sending SMSs a Child’s play!